How Many Gravity Falls Episodes Can You Name? (2024)

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How many episodes from Gravity Falls can you name?

By Tboyyt205

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Last Updated

Aug 1, 2021

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Description Answer
Dipper and Mabel move to Gravity Falls, where Mable gets a strange new boyfriend.
Grunkle Stan takes the kids on a fishing trip turned sea monster hunt.
The gang solves the mystery of Stan’s beheaded wax figure.
Mabel falls for a fraud mind reader named Gideon.
Dipper tags along with Wendy and her friends while they explore a haunted convenience store.
A clan of beasts teaches Dipper how to become a man.
Dipper uses a printer to create paper clones of himself.
Dipper and Mabel follow clues to find the truth behind Pacifica’s family.
Dipper gets a time travelling watch, and must decide between Mabel and Wendy.
A video game character comes to life and Dipper uses him to win a fight.
Gideon uses a crystal to shrink Dipper and Mabel.
A trick or treating demon forces Dipper to complete a candy quota.
Mabel takes over The Mystery Shack while Stan is out.
The gang finds a seemingly endless pit outside of the shack.
Mabel falls in love with a merman who is trapped in a swimming pool.
Dipper discovers a carpet that allows him to switch bodies with people.
Mabel takes care of the members of her favourite boy band.
Stan must rescue Waddles from a pterodactyl after betraying Mabel’s trust.
The gang explores Stan’s mind after he becomes possessed by an all powerful demon.
Gideon finally evicts Stan and his family, allowing him to acquire the journals.
Description Answer
A zombie uprising interrupts Mabel’s karaoke party.
The gang explores an evil shapeshifter’s base in hopes of finding the author.
Mabel uses the golf ball people to win a mini golf tournament against Pacifica.
Mabel fakes a love for sock puppets to impress a boy.
Soos falls in love with a virtual dating simulator who becomes jealous when he meets a human girl.
Stan tells the stories of many weird things that have happened in order to sell merchandise.
A group of cultists brainwash the townsfolk so they don’t remember the odd things they see.
Blendin challenges Dipper and Mabel to Globnar on Soos’s birthday.
A famous singer uses magic to make people fall in love.
Dipper and Pacifica learn the horrible truth of her family’s past.
Dipper and Mabel finally learn the secrets Stan has been keeping from them.
A flashback reveals what happened between Stan and the author of the journals.
Dipper and Stanford play an extreme version of a classic board game.
Dipper and Mabel help Stanley run for mayor.
A unicorn tells Mabel that she’s not a good person, so she takes that as a challenge.
The gang goes on a road trip where Dipper tries to find love.
Dipper must decide between mystery solving with Stanford or staying with Mabel.
Bill unleashes his final attack on the town, creating a bubble of chaos.
Dipper travels through a seemingly wonderful world that Bill has created for Mabel.
The gang teams up to put an end to Bill’s reign of terror.
How Many Gravity Falls Episodes Can You Name? (2024)


Will there be Gravity Falls Season 3? ›

This is the point where I will have to break it to you, there won't be a third season for Welcome to Gravity Falls! That doesn't mean that there won't be more stories, though, as Aley Hirsch has agreed to produce extra specials and shorts for the series.

How long is Gravity Falls in total? ›

During the course of the series, 40 episodes of Gravity Falls aired over two seasons.

Why did Gravity Falls end? ›

The series premiered on June 15, 2012, and ran until February 15, 2016. On November 20, 2015, Hirsch announced that the series would finish with its second season, stating that this was "100% [his] choice" and that "the show isn't being cancelled – it's being finished" and was simply reaching its natural conclusion.

How long is Gravity Falls season1? ›

The first season of the American animated television series Gravity Falls consisted of 20 episodes on the Disney Channel, and aired from June 15, 2012 to August 2, 2013.

Why did Gravity Falls season 3 get Cancelled? ›

Why was Gravity Falls cancelled? Simple: the story of Gravity Falls ended, and there was no more show to cover. On November 20, 2015, Alex Hirsch announced on his Tumblr page that Gravity Falls would end with Season 2, by choice and not by cancellation.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 6656

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.